Thursday, January 10, 2013

Don't wait. The time will never be just right - 2013

Just about three years ago, I wrote this post Don't Wait. The Time Will Never Be Just Right. The title is a quote from Napoleon Hill and for me, it began the journey out of a waking coma to change my life.

"Don't wait. The time will never be just right." What does that mean to you? Right now, there's probably something that you are considering doing, but you haven't gone beyond just thinking about it. There are many likely suspects - getting in shape, getting sober, finishing your book, going back to school, or changing careers. Whatever it is, it's about making a commitment to ourselves and our dreams. And making that commitment could be the most difficult part. 

Depending on the time of year, like right now, we might call them resolutions or intentions.

Mark Twain said, "Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual."

Ten days into 2013 and I'll bet many New Year's resolutions are teetering on the brink.

What if I work so hard at this and I fail?
What if I can't lose weight, stop smoking, get sober (fill in the blank)?
What if I can't handle working a job and going to school?
What if I open myself up to a relationship, and I get hurt?
It's just easier and less painful to not even try. Or is it?

The flip side, for me, is sometimes the more frightening proposition. What if I am successful? (Yeah, I know.)
What happens if I actually achieve what I set out to do? I'll have to do something even more challenging the next time. People will expect even more from me. And what if they find out I'm not all that?

When we commit to our dreams, we are making a promise to ourselves that we are worth it. We are worth more than just living life as it comes, always on defense and reacting to whatever comes our way. We are worth making proactive change in our lives, taking risks, learning from the inevitable disappointments and setbacks.

You are worth living your life fully and completely. What are you waiting for?

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