Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Don't wait. The time will never be just right.

This quote from Napoleon Hill, sent to me by HeartMath, was a shocking wake up call to me this morning.

Ever have one of those days when someone says something to you that answers a question, calls you to action, or makes you rethink a decision you thought you had made?

This was one of those moments because it went along with a question I read earlier in the week:
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 - 10 years? Who are you with? Where do you live? What do you do?

I've seen this before many times, but not recently. Not when I stop to think about where I was in my life 10 years ago. I have another child now. I live in a completely different community. I have worked in five different job arrangements since then. I have met scores of new friends. I have reconnected with some dear old friends. I have had financial and relationship difficulties.

As I am ten days from our ten-year-old son turning 11, I am thunder-struck by the notion that in 10 years, our son will be an adult, 21, and likely in his third year of college. Our daughter will turn eight the week after her brother, and she will be an 18-year-old high school senior. Not that I didn't know this wasn't coming, but it feels like I'm the winning coach of the Big Game and my players have just dumped the cooler of Gatorade on my head!

The previous post talked about taking a risk and really focusing on what is important in your life. I have seven to ten years left of my children in my house. There's so much left to do. So, I'm not going to wait when it comes to them. I don't want to have another wake up call like this ten years from now and have regrets.

What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for the right person to come along? Are you waiting for the right job? Waiting to lose weight? Will you be happy when this happens? Why wait for happiness, satisfaction, or feeling like life is not passing you by? Remember, the time will never be just right. Start now.


Jenn said...

Once again I feel like your post is speaking directly to me! 10 years ago this month we moved to Iowa...we didn't have any kids...we had different dogs and cars and were in different professions. 10 years ago I started to explore yoga and the idea of becoming a massage therapist. One of those paths has been explored further and has provided so much to the quality of my life. One I'm waiting to break through the gate of fear. As my brother wrote one day on Twitter...Hope and fear chase each others tails. If only we could chase fear away, hope would have a chance to run free!

LiturgyGeek said...

Wow! Thanks for this lovely message, and a special thanks to your beloved for calling today. I really appreciated his call on this bittersweet day for, and I am also so grateful for the opportunity to contemplate my life today and my life in the future.